Thursday, April 13, 2006

Wrap spin-off?

We've been contacted by a business that's interested in meeting one of the needs identified in our Thatcham Vision supplement.  The team had hoped that one of the benefits of the supplement is that it would attract new businesses to the town.  We obviously can't say anything just now about the specifics of this particular business, but if you have ideas for new businesses in Thatcham that you'd like to bounce off us we'd be delighted to hear from you.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Anyone whose interest in Einstein has been sparked by his hitherto unknown connection with Thatcham might like to take a look at this excellent website - Einstein Online - which includes straightforward and clear explanations of the great man's ideas.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Meanwhile in San Francisco

Google have been given permission to launch a free, wireless broadband service covering San Francisco. The Thatcham Vision team think it would be worth investigating the possibility of having something similar (well, exactly the same really) in Thatcham - as you'll have seen, there's a question in the Thatcham Questionnaire about this. Widespread free, or very cheap broadband access could be used in many ways to benefit the community. If you're interested in working on a small team of volunteers to look at the feasiblity of this please drop us a line by clicking here. Today San Francisco, tomorrow Thatcham. Anyone know the MD of Google UK?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Where Tanzania leads...

... we almost certainly won't follow. Apparently, all plastic bags and packaging have just been banned in Tanzania - the law takes effect in six months time. Those who've visited East Africa will appreciate why it's thought that this is necessary. Suppliers who don't comply face up to 10 years in prison. Perhaps West Berkshire Council should follow suit. 10 years for whoever is responsible for the large numbers of bags decorating the shrubbery around Tescos in Pinchington Lane seems very reasonable to me.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Community websites

As you'll know from reading our wrap, one of the ideas the team has been looking at is the development of a community website. There are a number of different forms this could take and it could be used in a number of ways. There are lots of existing community websites around already - some of which are run by local councils, others by local groups. See this item at the BBC's action network which includes a link to an example of one.